95 Years Ago…by Andrea Kelton

The year-1921.  Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics.  Irving Berlin had a popular hit with “All By Myself.”  Coco Chanel introduced a little perfume she called “Chanel No. 5.”

Charles Bronson, Nancy Reagan and John Glenn were born that year.  In addition to the actor, First Lady and astronaut, on October 19, 1921, the world was blessed with the birth of Wanda Johnson.

I met Wanda in the Cultural Center’s memoir writing class, “Me, Myself and I”.  Where I’ve had the pleasure of listening to tales of her many exploits and life adventures. When I could no longer see well enough to read my essays in class, Wanda took over and read them for me.  She’s a pro.  My essays come to life through her expressive presentations.

It is an honor to call Wanda Bridgeforth my friend.  Happy Birthday to an exceptional woman…and historian, humorist and teller of animal tales.  I am proud to call the “vice president in charge of looking out the window” one of my “best buds”.

 Andrea Kelton

October 19, 2016


One thought on “95 Years Ago…by Andrea Kelton

  1. Beautiful. Never occurred to me to call Wanda a “historian,” but you are absolutely right, Andrea. Looking forward to celebrating with her in class tomorrow, and absolutely delighted to know the Beth’s Class blog is back in business!



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